In commemoration of International Women’s Day, the Paradise Foundation in collaboration with ChildFund the Gambia, Child Protection Alliance, ActionAid and the Ministry of Gender and Social Welfare organised a national discussion around the theme “Empowering Women and Girls to Make Positive Choices.”

Important dialogues focused on addressing societal issues such as the impact of social media, drug usage, abuse, and harassment where had during the multiple panel discussions. As a key stakeholder, ITAG was represented by Mrs. Beran Dondeh Gillen – President and Secretary Ms. Menggeh Lowe. During the panel discussion on the “Implications of Adolescent Risky Behaviours (Social Media, Drugs, and Sex) on Health, Society, and Economy,” Mrs. Gillen shared her insights and highlighted the need for young people to leverage on the benefits of technology to learn and increase productivity -stating “technology can be positive if used for good”. This national discussion offered a platform for participants to exchange ideas and learn from one another, providing a collaborative effort towards empowering women and girls in The Gambia.